Book an emotion code Healing session Now

Clear your Trapped Emotions and attract more Abundant Health, Love & Happiness

You Could Go Through Years Of Expensive Therapy To Achieve The Results That You Could Get In Just A Few Sessions of Clearing Your Trapped Emotions.

🏷️ Get 30% Off ( Single Session )

Original price was: USD $97.00.Current price is: USD $75.00.Buy Now

🏷️ Get 35% Off ( Package of 3 Sessions )

Original price was: USD $297.00.Current price is: USD $197.00.Buy Now

🏷️ Get 40% Off ( Package of 5 Sessions )

Original price was: USD $497.00.Current price is: USD $297.00.Buy Now

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1,306 reviews)

What is The Emotion Code?

The Emotion Code is a highly advanced form energy therapy that allows us to find and release negative emotional energy from our past. In our bodies, we may hold unprocessed emotional energy. These “trapped emotions” drain our energy and cause stress. They can also create a tendency in us to have repeated similar emotional experiences. For example, we may tend to feel sad, angry, anxious or overwhelmed, while in our body we may tend to feel increased tension, pain, fatigue or illness.

Trapped Emotions can also block us from fully experiencing life, love, happiness, success, abundance or connection with others. Emotion Code sessions restore balance by removing these blocks to health & well being. This frees us to live the life we were meant to live and reawaken our true nature.

Emotions=Energy in Motion

Emotions are literally energy in motion, so when that emotional energy doesn’t process through us, it can get stuck and cause physical, mental and emotional pain. When this happens, it creates disharmony or a distortion in the body’s energy field.

Times of confusion, upset, overwhelm, crisis, injury, trauma or emotional intensity are all examples of times when Trapped Emotions can occur. Because Trapped Emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, they may cause imbalance in physical tissues, and this can eventually lead to pain or illness. Painful emotional experiences frequently result in the formation of faulty, or false negative subconscious beliefs. These beliefs, while formed to protect us from getting hurt again, actually can sabotage our efforts to progress and move forward in our lives in the ways that we desire.

We attract what we resonate

Looking at the Vibration of Emotions Chart below, we can see that despair, shame, guilt, insecurity, grief, fear, jealousy and anger are all lower vibration emotions. They wear us down and rob us of vital energy. They divert our body’s energetic resources and create disruption in our lives.

If we feel anger towards someone, that unprocessed anger can literally get stuck in our neck. We sometimes refer to people as a “pain in the neck”. We may not just feel anger, we may feel “not good enough”, humiliated, and resentful as well. Once all this energy settles into an area of the body, and it can be any area, it will disrupt inner balance and harmony. It will feel like stress, tension, pain, emotional volatility, triggers, disconnection, anxiety, depression, or any number of ways discomfort presents itself. By releasing this anger and the associated imbalances, the discomfort disappears and the body restores balance and inner harmony.

Our pain is a messenger that alerts us that something in our lives is out of balance. It is valuable communication, so rather than silence it and allow the imbalance to continue impacting our health and well being, we need to acknowledge the pain and understand why it is speaking to us.

We all have trapped emotions and many of them occur beyond our conscious awareness. Having trapped emotions does not mean we are somehow volatile or deficient in our ability to properly manage our lives. On a conscious level, we may power through difficult life experiences. On a subconscious level, those difficult life experiences, including our thoughts, feelings and beliefs, have been recorded. This subconscious “programming” informs our reactions and responses to future life experiences.

By releasing Trapped Emotions, we can help restore balance to the body, allowing physical and emotional difficulties to resolve. The natural healing intelligence of the body is able to work efficiently without these energetic blocks, disturbances and disruptions.


Are Emotions From the Past Still Holding You Back?

The energies of Trapped Emotions can accumulate over a lifetime, and we may notice that it is easier to fall into resonance with emotions that are already trapped in the body. These “triggers” impact our lives and our relationships. If we are quick to anger, defensive, easily overwhelmed or anxious, we may have triggers. When we are struggling under the weight of something we can’t quite define, or feel blocked, a lack clarity or purpose, it could be the unprocessed emotional energy from the past. This is often referred to as emotional baggage, and it is a common part of the human experience. Releasing the trapped energy of past emotions can help to restore physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Trapped emotions are what we believe to be emotional baggage and that is carried with us wherever we go. It’s the stuff born from difficult and negative experiences, yet it has the power to keep us stuck in all areas of our life for years to come.

Releasing emotional baggage is not as difficult as you might think. Using the Emotion Code, an energetic clearing process created by Dr. Bradley Nelson, we can quickly identify, easily mobilize, and gently release the negative energy. No long drawn out conversations that entice you to relive the past. Just an easy process that many of my clients say creates a sense of peace and lightness

What is Trapped Emotion?

Trapped emotions are negative emotional energies that we still carry around from past events, traumas or abuse. Trapped emotions can cause a variety of “symptoms,” include health related as well as in relationships, career, or success. They can block people from finding true love and happiness and make them feel disconnected or lonely.

Trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, and they can affect physical tissues, organs and overall wellness. Trapped emotions can create pain, malfunction and possibly disease. In addition, trapped emotions can exert a dramatic effect on how you think, the choices that you make, and how you react to every day challenges.

Think of trapped emotions as balls of energy that can be stuck in the body. They vibrate at different frequencies depending on the particular emotion. The trapped emotion, or negative vibration, can often affect the part of the body where they are stuck, but can also disturb overall balance and health.

Trapped Emotions are identified individually and released one at a time, not in groups or bundles.

Every trapped emotional energy is significant in your life.  Each one has had an impact on you in some way or another.  Each comes from a specific time or event that was experienced either by you or someone else that you inherited or absorbed the energy from.  These energies affect us in a variety of ways and create challenges, problems and pains of all sorts, both physical and emotional.

Whatever their origin, they certainly can make an impact on your life.  There are times when trapped emotions can be excruciating!  When significant pain like that is present, you might find trapped emotions nested in the area of pain.

Releasing trapped emotions balance the body so it can regain its full healing capabilities.  Utilizing the Emotion Code, you may see physical and emotional issues disappear or become much less severe.

I also Recommend you to watch this movie (E-Motion) below to gain an understanding of how Trapped Emotions might be affecting you physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.

E-Motion Movie


Do you have trapped emotions?

The ways in which we can acquire trapped emotions are many and varied. Basically anything that produces an intense uneasy feelings within us can generate emotions that can become trapped within. Below is a list of circumstances that can produce trapped emotions.

  • Loss of a loved one
  • Divorce or relationship problems
  • Financial hardship
  • Home or work stress
  • Miscarriage or abortion
  • Physical or emotional trauma
  • Physical or emotional combat
  • Physical, mental, verbal or sexual abuse
  • Negative self-talk
  • Negative beliefs about yourself or others
  • Long-term stress
  • Rejection
  • Physical illness
  • Feelings of inferiority
  • Internalization of feelings
  • Neglect or abandonment

How does Emotion Code session work?

Children and animals also have Trapped Emotions

Children and animals can have trapped emotions too though they tend to have less trapped emotions to clear.

When a child has experienced trauma, abuse, neglect, or abandonment, trapped emotions can manifest in extreme forms including temper tantrums and anger issues, suicidal thoughts, and self-abuse.

Clearing a child’s trapped emotions helps them in their crucial developmental years and leaves the baggage behind so they’re not bringing it with them into adulthood

Benefits of Emotion Code

An Emotion Code session can clear the imbalances holding you back in many areas of life including but not limited to:

  • Reduce or eliminate chronic pain
  • Reduce stress, lower or eliminate anxiety and depression
  • Increase your attraction of wealth and abundance
  • Increase feelings of gratitude and joy
  • Increase energy levels
  • Express love to those around you without barriers
  • Stay calm & centered when touchy situations arise
  • Optimize your immune system

What Happens After Releasing Trapped Emotions?

Your body knows exactly how many trapped emotions it can release and in what order it wants to release them. Your practitioner will help to find these answers from your body during your session.

Most of the time you will find that you can identify and release about five to ten trapped emotions in a thirty minute session. This is typical, but sometimes you may find that your body will only allow you to release two or three emotions in a session, and that’s okay. Trust the wisdom of the body!

When you have released all your body can release in a session, usually you will lose the ability to be tested momentarily because your body is processing and is on a state of overload. When that happens, you are done for the time being, until the next session generally. This usually takes 1-2 days, but can take up to 4 or 5 days for some people. Again, your practitioner will help to find these answers from your body during your session.

Each person is different in their process, from how many emotions they can release in one session, to how they feel afterward. How many trapped emotions are involved in one issue you are having varies as well. The whole process is completely customized to you!

Emotion Code Session Info

 I am a Certified Emotion Code/ Body Code Practitioner. I will do a remote emotion code session for clearing your Trapped emotions. In an Emotion Code Session, we work to release negative emotional baggage that is creating imbalance in your life and contributing to the issue you would like to address. Typically, we focus on 1 to 3 major concern or issue per session and we work to release the trapped emotional energies that may be contributing to or causing this particular issue in your life. Sessions typically last anywhere from 30-40 minutes, depending on how many trapped emotions your body is able to released. Usually the body is able to successfully release 5 to 10 trapped emotions per session.

All Emotion Code sessions are done by proxy. This type of energy therapy uses the most advanced techniques I believe are available anywhere in the world to effectively and efficiently identify and release energetic blocks. In fact, proxy work is just as effective as meeting with you in person, only more convenient and less time consuming for clients. You do not have to drive in traffic, sit in a waiting room and lose time out of your day to achieve results. All of my clients have the comfort and convenience of being able to relax at home while I complete their sessions.

In quantum physics, this is known as non-local healing. This approach is so cool because there are no limitations on who is able to receive and benefit from this work. You do not have to live in the same city, state, country or even hemisphere for me to effectively work on your energy. I have clients across the country and around the world.

Once you purchase your session, I will contact you, using your preferred contact method, to gather a few pieces of important information that I will need for your session. This will include your name, your age, the nature and severity of your issue and a photograph of yourself. You do not have to reveal any information you would prefer to keep private, and any specific information you share will be confidential and only used to benefit you during your session

body code practitioner
emotion Code Practitioner

What I Will Need from You for remote healing session

  • Name of the person needing the treatment.
  • Country
  • Date of birth
  • Picture ( optional but better )

Energetic Processing

Releasing the burden of heavy emotional baggage can occasionally cause initial symptoms of processing. So your nervous system and tissues may need to re-calibrate after clearing out all theses energetic distortions. This may cause you to feel tired or emotional, but this processing effect is only temporary, like pressing the reset button or rebooting your system.

Commonly, my clients report feeling lighter, freer, happier, more clarity, more joy, less pain or free of pain, less anxiety, less stressed out, more energetic, more excitement for life, improved health, and so on. Many symptoms of complaint often disappear altogether. This is simply because the body is now free of the burden this emotional baggage has placed on their system for so long.

Every person’s experience is unique, and often a series of sessions are necessary to truly free us from all the emotional baggage that we have accumulated over a lifetime.

Emotion Code Session Notes

My session notes will include details about the nature and severity of the released emotions, the age that they occurred, and how that trapped emotional energy was creating a disturbance. I will also test for a Heart Wall during your session, and let you know if you have one and how big it is.

book emotion code session

How to Book Emotion Code Session?


All packages can be made to fit your specific needs and goals. Whether your goal is weight loss, overall health, depression, relieve sadness, tame mood swings, higher self-esteem, new hope for happiness, feel more calm and relaxed, or any other physical or psychological issue.

After you have paid for a sessions, Fill up the booking form below. I will set up a schedule for a sessions and will follow up with you via email to discuss The Emotion Code Session procedure.

🏷️ Get 30% Off ( Single Session )

Original price was: USD $97.00.Current price is: USD $75.00.Buy Now

🏷️ Get 35% Off ( Package of 3 Sessions )

Original price was: USD $297.00.Current price is: USD $197.00.Buy Now

🏷️ Get 40% Off ( Package of 5 Sessions )

Original price was: USD $497.00.Current price is: USD $297.00.Buy Now

🏷️ Get 50% Off ( Package of 10 Sessions )

Original price was: USD $997.00.Current price is: USD $497.00.Buy Now

Emotion Code Promo Session For New Clients

If you are unfamiliar with The Emotion Code™ but want to learn more about how it works, there is a special offer that allows you to get one session for a discounted price. Book a session with The Certified Emotion Code Practitioner. For new clients only*
🏷️ Get 70% Off ( Promo Session For New Clients )

Original price was: USD $97.00.Current price is: USD $47.00.Buy Now

Emotion Code Booking Form

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We are happy to answer your questions. Email us at or fill up the form below and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

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Clients Reviews

Here's What Other Clients Have Said About Umer's Healing Sessions

Everything is great I feel better, like things changed for the better

October 19, 2024

Everything is great I feel better, like things changed for the better. Umer is very helpful informative and even manage to identify something I’ve been experiencing with out me telling him. Thank you very much.


Always there for me, miracle worker

October 19, 2024

Umer help me so much over past few years. He hears me out and truly understand my issues that I want to solve and then helps to clear the problems. His beautiful energy truly works wonders. This time I came to him because I had relationship arguments and got very hurt. He cleared that hurt energy and replaced with warm energy, and I was able to communicate with my partner and hear his side.

And is more than that, after I felt

lighter and peaceful. Thank you Umer!


Umer is God sent

October 18, 2024

I am so blessed and grateful for these remote healing sessions. I am more myself after so much trauma and feel like I’m finally on the path towards healing and abundance. Thank you, thank you, thank you,


Many many thanks for all the work you did on me!

October 17, 2024

Thanks Umer!

I’m feeling much better now after emotion code and heart wall healing sessions and my heart checkup said all the arteries are clear. No blockages.

I also have hardly any episodes of racing or pounding heart now! It seems to be coming right!

I now no longer spend sleepless nights with discomfort and breathing problems and hear palpitations wondering if I’m going to die! And my sleep is so good now!

Many many thanks for all the work you did on me!

Wendy King

This is my 2nd heart wall session from umer and helps a lot .

October 13, 2024

This is my 2nd heart wall session from umer and helps a lot .


It was effective and helpful. Thank you very much.

October 10, 2024

It was effective and helpful. Thank you very much.


Umar is great. I instantly started feeling better.

October 8, 2024

Umar is great. I instantly started feeling better. I feel happier and the tightness on my neck and shoulders are gone. I have purchased a bundle for Heart Wall Cleansing as he suggested and excitingly waiting for the first session.


I always buy from umer the service is great and i feel much better

October 7, 2024

I always buy from Umer the service is great and i feel much better


Felt better than before. Thanks.

October 5, 2024

Felt better than before. Thanks.


It was done fast!

October 3, 2024

It was done fast! and Umer informed me of other services to help align my energy, will definitely use again in future


Healing Parts of Me I Didn't Know Could Heal

October 1, 2024

Let me tell you that these sessions are virtual, that you should not dismiss the power of his virtual sessions and healing impact they will have on you and your transformation. After dealing with panic, anxiety, insecurity, Umer really, really has made such a significant impact on my overall sense of well-being and inner healing. I’m having way less anxiety and it’s only the start of my sessions. Trust the process and be open. You will be glad you did and you will get better.

Monica Bates

With this on top of everything else , it created kind of a euphoric effect, and made me very light headed in a good way. It’s as if my airways cleared up, and the heaviness in my head cleared up. Thank you Umer ❤️

September 29, 2024

With this on top of everything else , it created kind of a euphoric effect, and made me very light headed in a good way. It’s as if my airways cleared up, and the heaviness in my head cleared up. Thank you Umer ❤️


He's the real deal all the way through, and I have 3 more services he's working on and I already feel good.

September 27, 2024

He’s the real deal all the way through, and I have 3 more services he’s working on and I already feel good. One of these days, I will pay for these services full price through his website when I can afford it, but just with these ones alone, he gets the job done. Thank you so much


Another great service, and as soon as he removed the evil eye, I felt it as well

September 27, 2024

Another great service, and as soon as he removed the evil eye, I felt it as well, AND things began to open up. Opportunities came my way, friends began to get ahold of me again, and it was like a whole negative shield was removed from me, and no longer repelled positive energies or opportunities. Thank you Umer


As usual, Umer is always on top of the game, above anyone else

September 27, 2024

As usual, Umer is always on top of the game, above anyone else. He didn’t even have to tell me he did the work, I could simply feel it, just like I feel it with all of this other services as well. I also know he’s legit, because one time, when I had another person working on my chakras and aura as well, she mentioned that something was “removed” when Umer was working on me at the same time. Shortly after she messaged me, Umer’s message showed up awhile later in the same day. Legit beyond belief. Thank you Ume


Thanks for your help ❤️💚 blessing ❤️

September 25, 2024

Thanks for your help ❤️💚 blessing ❤️


Umer is the best healer! He is highly gifted and I feel very light and calm after the cleansing!

September 25, 2024

Umer is the best healer! He is highly gifted and I feel very light and calm after the cleansing!


Thank you so much for this energetic healing!!

September 23, 2024

Umer is “as described” meaning, he’s the real deal. Not only did I feel a breakthrough happen the second I made the purchase, but the energetic clearing has just continued. I’m finally feeling like I can breathe again. He even was able to confirm for me some details which helped bring me personal peace. Thank you so much for this energetic healing!!


Thank you for removing these blockages.

September 23, 2024

Thank you for removing these blockages.


I know any working from Umer, is going to be great, I got a job offer shortly after his workings took place, God bless, and thank you Umer

September 21, 2024

I know any working from Umer, is going to be great, I got a job offer shortly after his workings took place, God bless, and thank you Umer


Thank you for removing evil eye.

September 21, 2024

I had the evil eye on me for months now because of my co-workers. Thank you for removing it.


I feel a lot better after Umer helped me.

September 20, 2024

I feel a lot better after Umer helped me.


The results speak for themselves, thank you Umer

September 19, 2024

I got this for my friend. He’s always conflicted, usually from personal stuff growing up. He’s always been skeptical about this type of work, he doesn’t understand how it’s possible, but, after years of talking him up a wall about this stuff, he finally gave me the okay. (I waited until he was ready, cause obviously, I didn’t want to force this on him, or give his info out willy nilly) Well, today, he told me he feels a little better and more certain, and less conflicted. The results speak for themselves, thank you Umer


Thanks for everything and I will be ordering again blessing ❤️🙏

September 17, 2024

Thanks for everything and I will be ordering again blessing ❤️🙏


I haven't ordered the thing he suggested just yet, but if the things I bought that WEREN'T that thing he suggested, also helpful, just think about what the thing he suggested COULD do.

September 17, 2024

I recommend it, because, with each service from Umer, I get better and better. I haven’t ordered the thing he suggested just yet, but if the things I bought that WEREN’T that thing he suggested, also helpful, just think about what the thing he suggested COULD do.


I feel better. I’m more happier and it’s like a weight lifted off of me. You won’t regret doing it.

September 16, 2024

I purchased five sessions of the heart wall removal. It was the best thing I ever did. I could actually tell when he did it. I feel better. I’m more happier and it’s like a weight lifted off of me. You won’t regret doing it.


Umer, seemed very genuine! I appreciate your healing service,

September 15, 2024

Umer, seemed very genuine! I appreciate your healing service, I felt the effects immediately! Looking forward to another session in the future! Highly recommend ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Did the heart wall and what a difference I have felt I cannot think Umer enough for everything he did. I feel like a new person you won’t regret it.

September 15, 2024

Did the heart wall and what a difference I have felt I cannot think Umer enough for everything he did. I feel like a new person you won’t regret it.


Quick and accurate as always Umer, thank you

September 13, 2024

Quick and accurate as always Umer, thank you


With this item I felt very peaceful and happiness

September 12, 2024

With this healing i felt very peaceful and happiness. I could feel he was working on it. I ordered 2 more healing package from Umer. He is very professional and knows what he is doing.
